Hey there! I've been immersed in programming since the 80s, accumulating extensive experience with industry giants. However, the content I'm sharing here is purely from my personal projects and papers. Feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile for more details.

So, why did I create this website? After years of benefiting from the incredible resources available online, I decided it was time to contribute my own creations. This is my way of giving back to the community that has been such a significant source of help and inspiration.

I'm also sharing some personal stories. As a kid, I was already passionate about programming, publishing my first projects early on. My love for coding goes back that far, and it has been an amazing journey ever since!

Final “thank you speech" at the 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (November 17th-19th, 2021). I presented the paper “Emulation of Rail and Automotive Applications based on Adaptable Communication Systemwinner of the Student Contest at AEIT Automotive Conference.

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Arduino team at the #OpenLearnathon in Genova, Italy

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